From The New York Times, Monday April 17, 1894
CUMBERLAND, Md., April 16. — While the heads of the Commonweal Army have been pushing preparations for the coming exodus from Cumberland, the army has been resting and living luxuriously. The Spring sunshine has been, a tonic to the frost-bitten travelers. Many of the soldiers went into the river, where, stripped to the waist, they bathed in the ice water, to-day, with a liberal allowance of soap from the great stock contributed at Alliance…
…The estrangement of Jesse Coxey, the prodigal son, from his father, consequent on Jesse’s revolt the “Unknown” Smith on Saturday has been arbitrated, and the boy is back in the fold of the Commonweal…
…The army will go by water to Williamsport. The start will be made tomorrow morning, two boats carrying the horses, men, wagons, and camp outfit…
…The Commonweal transports will be followed by another canalboat, carrying the newspaper correspondents and telegraph operators, who will send dispatches en route, giving the public the incidents of the voyage…