Critical Debate – 1894: Coxey’s Army Tests Limits on Protest | NewseumED
Do freedom of assembly and petition apply when Jacob Coxey leads an “army” of unemployed men to the U.S. Capitol to protest economic policies? This educational module includes debate positions and discussion questions.
The Right to Protest and State Constitutions | State Court Report – May 15, 2024
Free speech protections found in state constitutions could offer broader rights to protesters than the First Amendment.
The Wyoming March of Coxey’s Army | – May 31, 2022
In the spring of 1894, newspapers across Wyoming filled with stories of jobless men headed east along the railroads. Coxey’s Army, they were called, named for their leader. Many were hungry but in their minds, at least, they were bound for the center of the nation’s power. Their movement became the first political march on Washington.
The Criminalization of Free Speech: A Through Line from 1894 to Present | ACLU of Ohio – April 28, 2021
In 2021, it’s 1894 all over again.
Coxey’s Army: 1894 March of Unemployed Workers | ThoughtCo – April 8, 2019
In the late 19th century, an era of robber barons and labor struggles, workers generally had no safety net when economic conditions caused widespread unemployment. As a way of drawing attention to the need of the federal government to become more involved in economic policy, a large protest march traveled hundreds of miles.
How a Ragtag Band of Reformers Organized the First Protest March on Washington, D.C. | Smithsonian Magazine – May 1, 2014
The first March on Washington was a madcap affair, but in May of 1894, some 10,000 citizens descended on D.C., asking for a jobs bill
The Protest That Made Occupy DC Possible | Sam Chaltain – November 11, 2011
Chaltain ties the Occupy DC protest of 2011 to the Coxey’s Army March of 1894. Notable is the mention of the Capital Grounds Act, a measure used to silence political speech in Washington D.C. They go on to mention that the Coxey March ultimately helped to transform the perception of DC into a place where it is fitting for the people to take their concerns and to seek redress. A far cry from spending 20 days in jail for trespassing.
Five Memorable Washington Political Protests | Christian Science Monitor – November 1, 2010
Bringing your grievances to Washington in the form of a mass protest is an American tradition that dates back to the late 19th century. Here are five memorable Washington protests.
A Protest March or an Invasion? | The New York Times – October 2, 2010
POLITICIANS and journalists feared and mocked them. The police boosted their ranks by 200 to control them. Their leaders were hustled off to jail, on a charge that, 116 years later, seems not only anti-American but preposterous: unlawfully stepping on the grass outside the United States Capitol.
Coxey Lays Depression to ‘Dumbness’ of Congress | The Pittsburgh Press – January 5, 1931
General Jacob S. Coxey, organizer of the first army of the unemployed, blamed the business depression on Congress as he visited Pittsburgh today. “It isn’t because the members of Congress are crooked,” he said. “It’s because they’re dumb. They don’t know what it’s all about.” Coxey explained that he was en route to Washington for another attempt to get his bill for the alleviation of unemployment and business inertia before Congress.
Justice for Coxey | The Nation – February 13, 1913
The Nation, in this 1913 article, gives Jacob Coxey credit for the initiative and referendum; veterans pensions; the direct election of the President, Vice President and US Senators; and even the phrase “we demand.”
March 24, 1894: In dreams, he sees an army. Then Coxey awakes, and sees only fifty tramps.
The New York Times ran a number of wire service reports immediately before Coxey’s Army left Massillon, Ohio on March 25, 1894. Coming from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C., the tone of the writing can best be described as bewildered amusement. But the powers in Washington are taking notice.
March 25, 1894: Coxey’s Army on the Move
On March 25, 1894, Jacob Coxey and his 75 member army stepped off from Massillon, Ohio on their march to Washington D.C. By the time they reached Canton, about eight miles away, the number had reached 50. The New York Times reported that Coxey’s life insurance policy had been revoked, with “officials of the company fearing that he may meet with a violent end in his present enterprise,” and that “everyone regarded the affair as a huge joke.”
March 26, 1894: Coxey’s Army is Straggling Along
Coxey’s Army left Massillon, Ohio on March 25, 1894. By the 26th, there were troubles.
March 27, 1894: Lacks But Two Of A Hundred
It has been two days since the march began, and Coxey’s Army of the unemployed is still in Stark County, Ohio. The army has picked up some new members, but they have also lost quite a few. And Jacob Coxey is gone; he’s headed to Chicago. Meanwhile, some deserters have already made it as far west as Richmond, Indiana. And politicians are starting to comment on the march.
March 28, 1894: Weary and Worn
On March 29, The San Francisco Call carried wire reports from across the country, covering the march and those who were traveling to participate in it.
April 2, 1894: Coxey’s Army Grows
By April 2, Coxey’s Army had crossed into Pennsylvania. The Chicago Tribune reported that the group was now numbering nearly 250 men. The media was also picking up on the rivalry between marshal Carl Browne and “The Great Unknown.”
April 4, 1894: Lock Up Coxey’s Men
With ten days in, this is not quite the welcome that the army has experienced in earlier cities. The media, previously having ridiculed the group, is now reporting from a slightly different perspective, that of sympathy. But that will change, soon enough…
April 6, 1894: Afraid of His Army
Now over 500 strong, the Commonweal is ready to head into the mountains, where the terrain will be rugged, and supplies will be few. The marchers appear to be able to make it through. But, is Coxey himself up to the task?
April 7, 1894: Coxey’s Advance Cohort Arrested
WASHINGTON, April 7. – The advance guard of Coxey’s Army, forty-one in number, got within two miles of Washington this evening, and were taken in charge by the police and locked up.
They came in on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in freight cars, and when they reached Eckington, a suburb of the city, a squad of police took them from the cars and marched them from the cars and marched them to the Ninth Precinct Station House where they will be held until Monday for examination.
April 8, 1894: Jail Yawning for Gen. Coxey
Note the change of tone in the news coverage of (and government response to) the Coxey movement, as compared to that at the beginning of the march: from crackpot, to harmless, to drama. And now, perceived as a threat.
April 9, 1894: Coxey Puts Up Toll
“One dollar eighty-seven cents,” said Mrs. Clabaugh resolutely. Coxey paid the money in nickels and pennies, took a receipt, and the army marched on.
April 9, 1894: Army Must Return to the West; Utah Courts Order the Men Back Into the Car – They Must Be Moved.
While much of the media coverage centered on Jacob Coxey’s march from Massillon, Ohio, at least forty other “Industrial Armies” of unemployed workers were organized in 1894 for the purpose of marching to Washington, D.C. Fry’s Army organized in Los Angeles; the Northwestern Industrial Army gathered in Seattle; Kelly’s Army marched from San Francisco, with Jack London among the marchers.
April 14, 1894: Commonwealers Nigh Unto Riot
FROSTBURG, MD., April 14 — Revolt in the ranks of Coxey’s army today leaves the Commonwealers in a state bordering on riot. Chief Marshal Carl Browne of California was deposed as Marshal, and Louis Smith, “The Unknown,” is in full charge.
April 15, 1894: The “Unknown” Set Adrift
CUMBERLAND, MD., April 15 — The once famous “Unknown” of Coxey’s army was stripped of his veiled glory to-day and likewise of his honors as a Commonwealer. Carl Browne, the deposed leader of yesterday, has entire charge of the body tonight.
April 16, 1894: Coxey Charters Canalboats
CUMBERLAND, Md., April 16. — While the heads of the Commonweal Army have been pushing preparations for the coming exodus from Cumberland, the army has been resting and living luxuriously. The Spring sunshine has been, a tonic to the frost-bitten travelers. Many of the soldiers went into the river, where, stripped to the waist, they bathed in the ice water, to-day, with a liberal allowance of soap from the great stock contributed at Alliance…
Mr Coxey’s attempt to storm the Capitol
In the meantime numerous police, both mounted and on the floor, had assembled at the east part of the Capitol, where Coxey had declared his party would assemble. On reaching the street skirting the Capitol grounds to the north the procession found that the police barred the entrance.
The speech Jacob Coxey (almost) never gave
When participants in Coxey’s Army (estimated at 500 people) reached Washington on May 1, 1894, having started their march in Massillon, Ohio, they were met by 1500 soldiers, with more on call in case of trouble. Jacob Coxey went to speak, but only managed to make it through the first two paragraphs, before getting arrested for walking on the grass.